Leticia Abajo

Salud y Bienestar coordinator (Health and Wellbeing)

Leticia has worked with the Spanish-speaking community in Boulder County since 1997 in different capacities, as teacher, interpreter, translator, defender of people’s rights, and activist.

She has a degree in Human Development and Family Relationships from UCD, a certificate in Childhood Education from the Instituto de Estudios Aplicados in Madrid, Spain, and is certified as a Life Coach through the Instituto D’Arte in Madrid. Leticia is the current director of the Salud y Sabiduría (Health and Wisdom) Program in AMISTAD. She is an educator and life and family coach with Deshaciendo Nudos. (Untangled), in her private practice.

She has been a part of AMISTAD since 2001 and has been a part of the team that organizes the Cumbre Anual de Mujeres (Annual Women’s Summit) since its beginning.

Leticia loves spending time with her family, Alex, Ollie, y Amara, and her hobbies have to do with creativity and the connections among her loved ones and her community. 

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